This runners-specific strength program is designed to improve your performance and prevent injuries. The power of strength training for running performance is well-documented but highly under-utilized by most runners. A planned and progressive strength regimen increases energy availability at the end of your race, reduces the likelikood of cramping and muscle breakdown on raceday and prepares you for those hilly courses (hello, Boston). Being able to pull out that final push at the end of the race or staying healthy during training is usually the difference between a strength trained and non-strength trained runner.
This program is designed by a Physical Therapist, strength and conditioning specialist and running biomechanics expert with deep understanding of the muscles and movements that most often break down or limit performance in runners. With the option to purchase a 3 or 6 month training program, the programming is broken down into 4-5 weeks training blocks, each emphasizing a different training goal.
Each training blocks will include 2 "core" exercises which remain consistent for 3 blocks with small adjustments that shift the focus (muscle endurance, strength, power) in order to track true change. All other exercises will change each month to allow for variation in training. You will also receive a warm up, cool down and bonus material to utilize throughout your training.